HelpWorkbench™ Adding help to your applications the EASY way! Both HelpModules™ and BubbleModules™ are created with the HelpWorkbench™ program. They may be used in conjunction or separately. HelpModules contain the bulk of the help/reference information whereas BubbleModules simply contain text, graphics or animating movies. HelpModules™ may be implemented as a simple text only help system, or as a complete text, graphics, movie, bubble help/reference system. If you wish, you can literally place a complete manual on-line, with context sensitivity. The choice is yours. The implementation is used the same way. EASE of creating HelpModules™ & BubbleModules™ 1) First, you use HelpWorkbench™ to create a text document with pointers that specify every menu, dialog box, and control within your target application. This document is called the "shell". The "shell" may be used to create either HelpModules or BubbleModules or Both. 2) You decide whether or not to use; Movies, Cartoons and Animating BubbleHelp. 3) Then you load the "shell" into your favorite Word Processor and simply "fill in the blanks" with help text and graphics of your choice and creation. In fact if you already have a manual, you may CUT & PASTE text and graphics into your word processing/help document directly from your manual.. 4) After SPELL & GRAMMAR checking your word processing/help document, you use HelpWorkbench to compile the word processing document into a HelpModule™ or BubbleModule™ document. If any errors are encountered, HelpWorkbench produces a separate error log. This insures the integrity of the module. 5) Install the module for your target application. Benefits of the HelpWorkbench™ • By using multifinder or System 7 to have multiple applications running at once, you may switch between HelpWorkbench, your word processing application and your target application to literally make changes, compile the changes and see how the changes affect the HelpModule and the target application IMMEDIATELY. This eliminates the guesswork of how the help functions. • Authors of the Help only need to understand their word processing program and where in the document to place the help information. HelpWorkbench™ takes care of the rest. • Use spelling checkers, grammar checkers, style checkers etc. to check your document before you compile it to insure that there are no mistakes. • Create animating and text/graphics BubbleHelp™ to run under System 6 and/or System 7 while still able to use Apple's Balloon Help™ under System 7 if you so desire. • Context sensitivity is automatically set-up by HelpWorkbench, NO EXTRA WORK! • Context sensitivity on every control, menu, button, checkbox etc. • QuickTime™ movie support. (Apple™ computer's new standard) • PICS movie support. (Exported from popular animation programs such as Director™) • System 6.x and System 7 compatible • Compiles in the background • Copy-Protection available. Additional Information... If you are interested in using HelpWorkbench™ to add documentation or help to your application, please give us a call at (213) 546-5837. We will be happy to discuss the possibilities. Demo HelpModule available for $5 this includes shipping and handling. Price applied to any Me&John software purchase! Apple™ - Balloon Help™ - Quicktime™ are registered trademarks of Apple Computer Inc.